The Fastest Way To Make Substantial Money Online As A Content Creator.

Without An Audience Or Years Of Trial And Error.


If you’re ready to enter the Top 1%, watch this video all the way to the end.

Everyone seems to be making big money online.

Everywhere you look, you hear stories of teenagers and young adults posting content, blowing up, and earning enough to break free from the traditional 9-5.

It all looks so simple.

So right now you're ready to jump in. Dreaming of your future success, high earnings, and financial, time, and location freedom.

But let me tell you what's about to happen.

You're going to watch hours and hours of YouTube content laying it all out for you, you'll study them closely, and then take action.

And after endless days, weeks and months, how is your channel performing?


Unlike your inspirations, you’ll see no significant progress!

Procrastination, unproductive habits, and ruts will now replace your wishes to become a content creator and provide for your family.

You know that you're capable but making good money online feels like a distant dream, slipping away.

The making money online journey always starts with hope.
A new method, a recommended course, a promising business idea.

But it's likely your initial enthusiasm will crumble at the first few hurdles.
If you're creating content, maybe the views aren’t pouring in as expected, and you’re struggling to monetize. The algorithms are against you, and your competition seems fierce and unforgiving.

If you’re starting a business like an agency or as a freelancer, maybe it’s way harder to find clients than you previously thought. You’re watching money leave your bank account and you’re not seeing any come in - and it’s impossible to compete with the other more established businesses. 

Or maybe you’ve never been able to start anything. You’ve always wanted to make money online, but you’ve never even made it to the point where you’ve found something that feels like it could work.

You'll search for answers but every ‘guru’ has a new tactic or ‘secret’ strategy. Without an experienced guide telling you what to focus on, you’ll drown in information.

So you’re left paralyzed watching others breeze past you, making it look simple. Your investment of time, effort, and often substantial amounts of money grows, but the results?

Painfully absent or inconsistent at best.

As the realization sinks in, so does the desperation. You need the money to pay off your student loan debt or to serve as an out from the traditional path your family and society pressured you to take.

You may consider another course or give into doubts that “the online entrepreneurship world may not be for me.”

All those dreams you had:

- Changing your life

- Supporting your family

- Reaching your potential

They’re all slipping away.

All you're left with are frustrations and an increasing sense of defeat. 

But what if making money online isn’t the problem?

What if there’s a battle-tested, 4-step plug-and-play business model, tailor-made to align with your strengths and passions?

A structured and easy roadmap used by thousands of people like you. Either completely new or with small experience making content. Who after a few months of guidance are earning as much as doctors, with only a couple of hours of work per week from home.

They're finally seeing progress, the algorithm is pushing their content and as their earnings and freedom grows they no longer feel controlled by society or family pressures…

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I was just like you.

Those stories of:

1. Making it big online

2. Gaining true freedom through huge followings

3. Growing income streams through content creation

4. Collaborating with other like-minded creators

Well, I chased them all too. 
And like yourself, my expectations were very different from reality!

Eleven years ago, I uploaded my first video.

I was $15,000 in debt, and during the day washed cars and mowed lawns to make ends meet. I remember the lonely nights, staring at my computer screen, praying for the analytics to show even a tiny upward tick on my latest video.

I felt the weight of every failed video attempt and every dollar spent on courses that promised so much but delivered too little. Comments from friends and family were skeptical, telling me to go back to school or focus on a more stable, traditional career I didn’t care about.

No one understood why I kept trying.

There was so much pressure to quit.

After over a decade creating content and online brands, it’s often felt like an uphill battle. You start to think you need years to build your skills and following to catch up with the big creators making money. It’s like they’ve been at it for decades, whilst you’re stuck wondering if it’s even possible to support yourself as a beginner creator.

But let me tell you something I've learned from my journey: you can achieve success way faster than you think.

I repeat, way faster than you think.

I had zero handouts or a head start in life. No rich parents nor experience making content.

All I had were discomfort with my current situation and an ideal vision of what my life could become if I deeply committed to content creation and becoming the best version of myself.

Every dead end I faced, every pitfall I stumbled into, and every challenge that seemed insurmountable taught me something. Bit by bit, with persistence and a lot of learning, I found my way through.

I went from washing cars, caring for lawns, and obsessing over content and a huge amount of online business models. To build over five successful businesses, with multiple earning multi-million dollars online

You might have seen my YouTube channels, one with over 6 million subscribers, another soon reaching 3 million, or come across my Instagram with over 1.5 million followers. Collectively, I built a growing audience of over 10 million across all platforms.

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But make no mistake, followers DO NOT equal cash. After obsessing, failing, and learning a huge amount of different online business strategies, I realized the importance of generating revenue whilst still prioritizing giving my viewers value.

So I looked into monetization opportunities outside Content Creation:

1. Brand sponsorships

2. Affiliate marketing

3. Selling digital products

4. Selling merch

I tried them all.

And those experiences led me to build multiple million-dollar companies in grooming, clothing, and numerous other industries.

If all those sleepless nights of research and learning taught me one thing, it’s that it’s absolutely possible to make money online! But it was only after countless years of unguided trial and error I finally discovered this.

You see, making money online by becoming a traditional YouTuber or content creator is not a beginner-friendly plan. YouTube’s monetization requirements of over 1,000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time have meant only 3% of channels get monetized. All after posting 50 - 150 videos on average.

But even after monetization, the revenue is often incredibly low. Trapping many into a toxic dependency on views for income. Hitting upload feels like pulling on a slot machine’s lever to determine your monthly revenue.

This is why it is important to have guidance from a successful content creator and online entrepreneur. And lucky for you, I've spent over a decade building a wealth of knowledge, connections, and experience in making money online with content.

Without guidance, it took me many years to finally crack the code. The results are worth it, however, I want to do everything I can to help you not have an experience like mine.

This is why I created the Content Academy, not just because I found a path to success, but because I wish it had existed when I was putting in all those long hard hours!

I remember what it's like to be where you are now. I've felt that sting of disappointment, that frustration of seemingly going in circles, and the lonely longing for someone to light the way.

With this program, I want to be that guiding light for you. So let’s work together and turn those dreams of earning a high online income, providing for your family, and regaining control over your future into reality.

Simply put, if someone like me, who once felt lost and overwhelmed, can do it… you can too.

So what is the solution?

Enter: UGC

User Generated Content (UGC) is when you create content about products and services you use.

During the lockdown, our attention shifted online, especially to social media platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.

Not being able to meet others in person caused millions to go online to find connection, entertainment, and information.

This caused UGC content to explode - normal people like you, creating real, relatable content about brands that consumers found valuable and insightful. 

And guess what? Huge brands, who also needed to shift online, saw this too! They realized authentic content from smaller creators converted better than huge six or seven-figure campaigns.

For them, UGC is a goldmine to invest in, and for you, a goldmine to join!

The best part is that it’s incredibly easy to start! With just your smartphone, creativity, and guidance, you can immediately start receiving money-making opportunities from brands alongside a growing audience you actually connect with. In just a matter of weeks.

This isn’t some joke; it’s the new Authenticity Economy. You are rewarded for being real - for being you!

Currently, the demand far outweighs supply. The market is craving quality UGC Creators who understand how the content game works - and that’s where I come in.

For the past decade, I have worked with brands and employed UGC creators for my businesses. I have been on the front line of this market and cannot ignore its huge potential for beginner content creators!

It took me eleven years to figure out the principles, systems, and processes to make a huge income from content creation. I started with sponsorships however UGC is by far one of the best business models to get into if you’re a beginner interested in content creation and desire working towards the top 1% alongside financial, time, and location freedom.

This is still a young untapped market and I want to do everything I can to help you gain an unfair advantage in propelling your potential audience growth, income, and life transformation!

The Content Academy

We've distilled years of exclusive expertise and experimentation into a groundbreaking beginner-friendly program.

We give and guide you through a 4-step plug-and-play business model that uses the following 3 strategies:

User Generated Content - leverage the rise in demand for authentic content
Brand Deals - Connect with brands seeking out small creators
Audience Growth - Leverage social media algorithms to exponentially grow your reach

We will help you achieve the success you deserve in the online world by turning you into a monetized top 1% content creator without all the guesswork and years of trial and error, guaranteed.

Our 6 Tenets

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You WON'T be just a “YouTuber.” You will become an online business entity.

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You WILL DISCOVER how every content piece has potential for revenue. Not just audience consumption.

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You WILL OBTAIN low startup costs and easy access to this opportunity. No matter how young, inexperienced, or where in the world you’re based.

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You WON’T USE audience growth gimmicks. Instead, with no audience, you will partner with brands and create better content without financial hiccups…

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You WILL GAIN an unfair advantage by embracing early adoption of User Generated Content (UGC) whilst receiving practical guidance from us.

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You SHALL WITNESS increasing demand and scaling possibilities as you advance. Allowing you to carve out your own space within the UGC market. More views, brand connections and money SHALL FOLLOW.

The Promise

We promise to take you from a beginner to a top 1% content creator earning a great income even if you don't have an audience.

Most creators believe you need millions of followers to monetize.

They wait for brand deals to come to them.

But why leave your fate in someone else's hands?

Remember: YOU are the business, YOU control your revenue.

The Formula To $10,000+ Monthly

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Pick Your Passion

Find a niche or topic that resonates with you and set up your channel. Receive a game plan from us detailing your next steps.

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Be Everywhere

Create compelling, authentic content from YouTube to TikTok to Instagram, cast a wide net.

Seal The Deal

With our exclusive database of brands actively looking for YouTubers to collaborate with, we will guide you on brand pitching and securing sponsorships.

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Unlock The UGC Goldmine

Upload and Profit even before you have a massive audience.

The Roadmap

There's just 6 steps you need to follow


Find Your Authentic Voice

Before you can sell, you need to resonate. We give guidance on what niche to pick that will give you the highest probability of success, but also a niche you can be obsessed about.


Strategies That Work

No more running after every new trend. My team and I will share our tried and tested strategies for creating Authentic, Relevant, High-Quality UGC content. Optimized for social media and setting you on the path to consistent online income.


Monetize Right From The Start

We focus on User-Generated Content (UGC) and direct brand collaborations. Teaching you what brands want from UGC creators and how to negotiate with them. We make sure you'll start monetizing even before you have a massive following.

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Premium Resources And Tools

We equip you with the best tools and resources to aid your journey and secure deals and partnerships.


A Community Of Support

Grow with a community of like-minded individuals, all on the same UGC journey as you. Share ideas, learn skills, and rise together.


Shift Your Mindset

The digital world is not just about tactics, but also about mindset. From thinking like an entrepreneur to fostering resilience, adaptability, and perseverance. I will share everything I know about crafting a mindset that has brought me to the top 1%.

The journey to online financial success doesn’t need to be a lonely, winding path filled with pitfalls. With the right guidance, tools, and a community to back you, success isn’t just a possibility—it's a guarantee.

Yes, I’m Ready!
And start changing my life from today!

Brands That We Work With

Here's What's Inside the
Content Academy

The Content Academy is a comprehensive self-paced course accompanied by a weekly Q&A and review call. 

We’ll set your homework for the coming week to keep you on track and to make sure you’re allocating your effort and resources to the highest-leverage tasks each time.

Want a peek into the outline of the course?

Module 1

Kickstart Your Content Creation Adventure

Firstly you will meet me, and the team, and connect with other like-minded students who are all working towards gaining control over their income through content creation. You will learn about the importance of content creation and the mindset needed to succeed.

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The right mindset to have to succeed with this course.
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Getting to know the students.
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Why am I taking a course on content creation? What's so special about it?
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The 3 parts of this course.
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Q&A and FAQs discussion
Module 2

Where Passion Meets Profit: The Art of Niche Selection

Once you’re all set up you will then be mentored on finding your perfect niche that resonates with you. Helping unlock your passions and potential, quickly breaking you out of the traditional path.

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The four stages of learning pyramid.
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Choosing a niche.
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Homework -4 questions to find your niche.
Module 3

Captivate, Then Convert: Mastering Irresistible Thumbnails & Titles

After discovering your niche, it’s time to start creating! First, you will see how my team designs engaging thumbnails and captivating titles to fuel your content’s reach, increasing the number of opportunities and your earning potential.

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Doing it Yourself vs Hiring an Expert: Pros & Cons
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Everything You Need To Know About Thumbnails: 3 Rules, 1 Special Tip (Autoplay)
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Everything You Need To Know About Titles
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Module 4

How To Command Your Audience: Video Scripting & Structuring

Now that you can capture attention, let’s focus on retaining it by learning how I approach scripting and the fundamentals of video structure. Allowing you to immediately create authentic videos that capture and build an audience invested in your long-term growth as a content creator.

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Parts of a Video - Intro & The Body
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Intro: Ideal Length, 4 Key Things, Tools to Rephrase & Rewrite
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Body: Ideal Length, Info vs Entertainment, 2 Keys - Practicality & Knowledge Gaps, Proven Tip Delivering Structure
Module 5

From Zero To Video Hero

Your deep dive will continue with a look behind the scenes of our content creation process. From recording to the editing basics - years of trial and error will be saved after understanding our approach.

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The 3 Parts of Actually "Creating" Content
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Immersion: What, Why
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Getting the Immersion Right | How
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Getting the Editing Right
Module 6

Cut, Craft, Create: The Ultimate Guide To Video Editing

Now that your footage has been recorded, you will discover the best approach to editing and the key editing principles our team has used to efficiently and rapidly create videos. No matter your experience level you will be able to create high quality authentic content.

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Capcut Tutorial
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General Editing Tips
Module 7

Create An Empire: Growing On All Platforms

Before you start posting you will then learn the advantages diversifying content gives you, amongst other UGC creators, and the tools needed to build your awareness engine without $1000’s of investment

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Book Recommendation
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Three main reasons to repurpose all of your content across all the platforms
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General Repurposing Tips
Module 8

From Outreach To Income: The Road To Your First Thousand Dollars

After uploading your videos, it’s time to start targeting brands! You will observe how to build connections and make the most of your market’s opportunities by receiving a full guide on everything we have done to consistently outreach, connect, and work with well-paying credible sponsors.

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Programs/Software & Subscriptions needed & costs
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Finding the brands you want to work with & their contact information
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Preparing the google doc as your CRM
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How to customise the First Email template according to your use case and situation
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Sending & managing the emails through google sheet & gmail
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Various types of responses you can expect from the emails you sent and how to handle each one.
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Module 9

The Art Of The Deal: Scaling To Thousands

Once your target brands are listed, you will find out how our team, and the experienced UGC creators we hire, approach closing brand deals and the full setup and preparation required. This module will show you the specifics of what brands want from creators and how you can provide them all.

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When to setup the first call (Template for email asking to jump on call)
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How to invite them using your calendar application
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How to conduct the first call.
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Different pricing packages/structures and payment options based on milestones hit
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Post first call email with full details
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Automated follow up emails for potential partnership & proposal sent
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How to deliver the brand integration/sponsorship once you make a deal on various platforms and various types of content genres (info, entertainment, interviews, etc...!)
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How to ask brands for post partnership numbers, testimonials, etc...! for case study purposes.
Module 10

Building Sustainable Business: Maximizing Connections & Cash

After closing your brand deals, you will then learn how to maintain and nurture brand relationships. This will increase your network, security, and revenue-generating opportunities.

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Why nurture the brands after a deal
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How to report back to brands after your video goes live that shows you in a great light (with canva template)
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How to send follow up emails after video goes live for 30 days (with template) and use it to hit $3K/month recurring income.
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How to ensure a brand get great results from your promotion & how to sell the sponsorship to your audience in a way that doesn't come off as salesy
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Q&A/FAQ discussion

Private Community Access

Seeing the world differently can be lonely. Fuel your growth by joining a community of like-minded people, escaping the financially unrewarding and outdated rat-race!

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An exclusive online community (like a Facebook group or Discord server) where students can collaborate, share their progress, get feedback, and network.

Private WhatsApp Group

WhatsApp Groups where you can ask our team questions about content creation and monetization.


Exclusive Interviews

Interviews with successful YouTubers discussing their journey, challenges, and strategies, offering additional insights and motivation.

Imagine a life where you’ve got control over your earning potential - where you’re finally in charge of the money coming into your account.

You're rising to the top 1% - earning a high income, provide for your family, make content you love, and are passionate about.

You’re no longer trapped by an hourly wage or an unfulfilling job - you now have one that pays what you really deserve and can do at any time from anywhere in the world.

The Content Academy is how you get there.

The first step to success is deciding to start.

I designed the Content Academy with a simple mission:
“Offer the guidance I wish I had when starting.”

Will you take that step today?

Here’s A Recap Of What The Content Academy Offers You:

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A deep dive into the nuances of content creation. The best platforms you can create optimized content on, get pushed by their algorithm and quickly make money.

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A guide to mastering the art of consistent, high-quality content that resonates with your audience. So you’re building a loyal following.

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Strategies to monetize your passion without needing thousands of subscribers. In as little as 7 days.

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My personal top 1% creator mindset secrets that have propelled me through years of ruts, limiting beliefs and seeing no results to huge success.

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A community to share, collaborate, and grow with like-minded people.

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A range of game changing bonuses specifically built to rapidly get you results as a beginner UGC creator.

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And a promise to take you from beginner to a top 1% content creator earning great income even if you don't have an audience.

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Yes, I’m Ready!
And start changing my life from today!

The Cherry On Top?
Our Exclusive Launch Bonus:

As a gesture of our gratitude, the first 50 individuals who enroll will receive a vetted list of 500 – 1000 brands, complete with verified contact details.

This means you can kick-start your monetization journey even without a pre-existing audience.

So how much is it going to cost to unlock the potential to alter your financial trajectory forever?

Remember, I’m offering you a direct roadmap to take you from a beginner to a top 1% content creator and start earning without a big audience in just 180 days. That information is worth thousands of dollars.

But I also can’t believe that more people aren’t exploring this space, and that this information isn’t something everyone is making use of already to change their lives.

This is the first official launch of this course. And I know how many of you have the drive to actually seize this opportunity and take the first step.

So you deserve something special. The investment for this course will be a $999 joining fee and a monthly payment of $99 after that. Due to the highly sensitive nature of our products (industry contacts) and their proven effectiveness, all sales are FINAL and NO FINANCING is offered.

We promise to take you from a beginner to a top 1% content creator earning great income even if you don't have an audience.

So you have no reason not to take the leap. Why would you turn down your financial freedom like this?

If you’re ready to finally make money as a content creator, now’s the time.

Join the Content Academy to level up your creator business - and your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Is This Course Ideal For?

It's specifically designed for anyone looking to start earning money in the fastest way possible without having to wait for years to build big channels.

How Do I Access The Content?

Upon signing up, you'll receive an email with an invitation to join our exclusive group, It is where you can access all content, 24/7.

How Much Does the Content Academy Cost?

Despite its high value, it is available for just $999 and $99 per month. Due to the highly sensitive nature of our products (industry contacts) and their proven effectiveness, all sales are FINAL and NO FINANCING is offered.

How can I make money with content creation if I don’t have an audience?

We'll teach you strategies to monetize even without a large audience initially. It's about making authentic, relevant content, so having a large audience isn’t needed.

Do I need fancy equipment or a professional setup to make good content?

You don't need high-end equipment. We'll guide you on creating great content with as little as just a smartphone!

What if I don’t know how to contact brands?

We provide guidance, contacts and personalized advice on approaching brands and securing collaborations, step by step.

How is UGC different from sponsorships?

UGC is all about genuine content crafted by everyday people just like you - not big companies. On the flip side, sponsorships are when brands pay creators to showcase their products, often with a specific script or branding in mind. UGC is customer-led, focusing on providing a genuine view of a product, while sponsorships prioritize showcasing the brand in the best possible light.

What's Included?

Exclusive classes on platform proficiency, content creation, monetization, and much more. Plus, bi-weekly Q&A sessions, and access to a supportive community of creators.

Can’t I Find This Information On YouTube?

I understand there's a lot of free information out there on YouTube. In fact, I personally spent hundreds of hours watching educational videos to develop myself, and I've also read over 100+ self-improvement books. But when I was starting out, I still wished I had a clear strategy and direct access to the best resources I could put my trust in. Not just that, you also get tons of never before seen strategies that I've developed over the years and an amazing community to give you support. And at just $999 and $99 per month for all of that, it's a steal.

How Much Does Content Academy Cost?

The investment for this course will be a $999 joining fee and a monthly payment of $99 after that. Due to the highly sensitive nature of our products (industry contacts) and their proven effectiveness, all sales are FINAL and NO FINANCING is offered. NO Refunds after you are charged monthly.

What is UGC?

UGC stands for User-Generated Content. It's content created by individuals like you, not big corporations. We'll guide you on how to create and monetize this content.

Will I need a large audience in order to start making money?

No, you can start making money with a small, engaged audience. We'll show you how to maximize earnings with the audience you have.

What if I don’t have time?

I started filming UGC alongside working two jobs, so we’ve designed our program specifically for busy students and full-time professionals! We'll show you how to efficiently manage your time for content creation.

What if I don’t want to be a YouTuber?

You don't have to be! UGC goes beyond YouTube. We'll help you choose the platform that suits you.